#HologramasLibres (FreeHolograms) NIGHTMARE OR REALITY? By No Somos Delito

The Holograms for Freedom campaign aims to highlight the repression of our rights as free persons, as citizens living in what is supposed to be a democracy.


The Holograms for Freedom campaign aims to highlight the repression of our rights as free persons, as citizens living in what is supposed to be a democracy. Laws recently passed by congress penalize human rights and freedoms and convert us citizens into a type of hologram whose only function is to obey the wishes of those who have reached the heights of the parliamentary system and who now pass laws without any regard for anything, even the professional opinion of judges. Laws that violate our human rights and exclude us out from political activity.

    A series of totalitarian laws are being used to subject the will of the people, the people who, lest we forget, have delegated their power of representation in political leaders.  #HologramasLibres (FreeHolograms) describes a surreal future in which we have to shed our flesh and become three-dimensional light forms (holograms) in order to protest. The aim of this dystopia is to denounce the situation we are currently facing. The hologram protest denounces how, as people, we cannot express messages contrary to those disseminated by our leaders; how we cannot think freely, as free thinking is reliant on the possibility of meeting freely to speak freely, expressing ourselves in the squares, the streets, the markets. We cannot be ourselves. The current climate of repression is silencing our society, filling us with fear. What’s more, we believe that this is not a national matter, but a global one, and that the strategy of silencing the population is aimed at eliminating all protest against new economic policies to be introduced in the future, such as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), etc.

    But... who owns the fear? The fear hanging over society belongs to this government, to all governments. The fear of a conscious citizenry participating freely, with self-empowering joy, in public affairs, the fear of those who protest to defend our dignity, who fight their inhuman cutbacks and the injustice of their evictions. Theirs is the fear and they need a silent society. They have designed laws to suit their own agenda, to rule the country with an iron fist, with no opposition from any quarter. They hope to keep us docile by keeping us afraid. And to spread mistrust amongst us, towards our neighbours -common people who fight to help each-other- the media fill the airwaves with stories of terrorism, in which dissidents are “terrorists” and dangerous “cells” (of mutual support) are “deactivated”

    The dystopian future represented with the Holograms Demonstration  will soon be our day to day. Social control and repression, in the form of the “Spanish Gag Laws” and other laws, are being used to subdue any remaining seats resistance to their rule

    But we will continue to resist. We will continue to be a thorn in the side of the powerful, protesting the reality of our lives. If we cannot protest in person, because of their fines and their prison sentences, we will protest as holograms. Because you cannot wipe out imagination, mutual support and a united people. Because you cannot stanch the tide of ideas that rose up when the people got together in the squares to talk. It is not wrong to dream and WE ARE NOT CRIMINALS (nosomosdelito.net)
    On 29 March, a man was arrested in Madrid for riding a bike with a sign on it. While pondering about the “crime” the man had commited my fishmonger asked me what the sign said. “What does it matter?” I replied. “Are we doing somethig wrong for holdding a banner? Is peacefully expressing your ideas in words or gestures terrorism?”

Traducido por:https://traduccionesindignadas.wordpress.com/acerca-de/

¿Un mal  sueño? O la realidad...

Con la campaña hologramas por la libertad queremos poner en evidencia la situación de represión de nuestros derechos como personas libres, como ciudadanos y ciudadanas que viven en una supuesta democracia. Las normas penalizadoras de las libertades y los derechos humanos recientemente aprobadas en el congreso de los diputados nos convierten en una ciudadanía fantasmal, hologramática, que sólo cuenta en la política para acatar las voluntades de los que se han encaramado ahí arriba, de los que dictan leyes por encima de todos, incluido el poder judicial... Leyes que violan nuestros derechos humanos y que nos impiden participar en la cosa pública.

    Con un paquete de legislaciones totalitarias se pretende someter la voluntad del pueblo soberano, un pueblo que, no lo olvidemos, es quien entrega su poder de representación a la clase política. #HologramasLibres narra un futuro surrealista en el que para manifestarnos tendremos que descarnarnos y convertirnos en formas de luz en tres dimensiones (hologramas). Con esta distopía denunciamos la situación real que se nos presenta. La manifestación de hologramas revela que las personas no podremos expresarnos en la calle con mensajes contrarios a la clase política, no podremos pensar libremente -pues el pensamiento libre depende de la posibilidad  de reunirse para hablar con libertad, de expresarse en las plazas, en los mercados, en las calles. No podremos ser nosotros y nosotras. La tendencia represiva actual lleva a nuestra sociedad a situaciones de silencio, situaciones de miedo totalmente indeseables. Por otro lado pensamos que esto no es sólo una cuestión nacional, sino global, y que la estrategia silenciadora del pueblo se dirige a eliminar la protesta frente a las nuevas políticas  económicas que se pretenden implementar en el futuro próximo, véase el TTIP, etc.
    Pero ¿de quién es el miedo? El miedo que se cierne sobre la sociedad pertenece a este gobierno, a los gobiernos. Es el miedo al despertar de una  ciudadanía que participa con alegría en los asuntos públicos, miedo a los que protestamos defendendiendo nuestra dignidad, a los que bloqueamos sus recortes inhumanos, la injusticia de los desahucios. El miedo es suyo y quieren hacer de nosotros una sociedad callada. Han diseñado leyes a la medida de sus necesidades, para poder llevar las riendas del país con mano de hierro sin inteferencia alguna. Con esto pretenden que sólo nos sintamos seguros mientras nos mantegamos dóciles. Y desde los medios públicos de incomunicación nos atemorizan con historias de terrorismo para enemistarnos entre nosotras; acusan a los disidentes de “terroristas” y “desactivan” nuestras peligrosas “células”.
    La representación distópica que hoy lanzamos será el mundo del mañana que nos espera. A traves del control social y la coacción represiva, a la que dan vía libre las #Leyes ordaza, pretenden doblegar los ultimos focos de resistencia a esa imposición.

    Pero nosotros y nosotras hemos decidido seguir interfieriendo, seguir molestando a los de arriba con la manifestación de nuestras verdades cotidianas. Si no podemos manifestarnos como personas, por sus multas y amenazas de prisión, lo haremos como hologramas. Porque no se le pueden poner puertas a la inteligencia, al apoyo mutuo y a la unión del pueblo. No se le pueden poner compuertas a este agua de vida que son los sueños nacidos con la reunión de las gentes en las plazas. No es una enfermedad soñar, NO SOMOS DELITO.

    En Madrid, el 29 de Marzo,  un hombre es detenido por llevar una pancarta en su bicicleta. Mi pescadero me pregunta ¿pero ¡qué decía! en la pancarta? Y yo le respondo: ¿acaso importa? ¿Estamos haciendo algo malo por el hecho de levantar un a pancarta ?  La expresión pacífica de las ideas con la palabra, con el cuerpo ¿es terrorismo? ….¿Hasta cuando? ¿Hasta cuándo tolerar esta situación absurda? Lo intolerable nos afecta a todas.Unete a la campaña de Hologramas contra la #LeyesMordaza. ACTÚA AHORA, NO ESPERES AL FUTURO.


Hi, I would really need your help to plan a similar protest in Romania. We, unlike you, still have the possibility to go out in the street to express our complaints and still...we don't do this. People are tired and they are too disappointed to continue this fight. That is why we need to gather a few people, the ones which still have the energy to change something in this country and to create a hologram protest. This will be our lesson to both politicians and our fellows which cannot fight anymore. There still is a reason to go out with banners and support our cause. They just need to know they are not alone. If not much trouble and it's ok for you to share of course, we would need your knowledge in this matter. How to do it, in a logistic way and how much time it will require. We do want to make this a notorious event. We have elections in the Autumn and we need people to know by then how important is to vote and to express their right by doing this. There is too much corruption in this country. We will never eradicate it, it's almost impossible to do so but we need to have proper institutions and laws which protect us. I really thank you guys in advance for your help and hope you'll see my message. Have a good summer :)

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